Enero-Marzo 2024 97
ISSN 1317-987X

Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
Edited by:
Etienne G. Krug
Linda L. Dahlberg
James A. Mercy
Anthony B. Zwi
Rafael Lozano

The world report on violence and health
Fecha de recepción: 31/12/2000
Fecha de aceptación:

Este reporte hace una importante contribución a nuestra comprensión de la violencia y a su impacto sobre las sociedades. Exhibe los diferentes rostros de la violencia, desde el sufrimiento "invisible" de los individuos más vulnerables de la sociedad, a la notoria tragedia de las sociedades en conflicto. El mismo mejora nuestro análisis de los factores que conducen a la violencia y a las posibles respuestas de diferentes sectores de la sociedad. Al hacer esto, este documento nos recuerda que la protección y la seguridad no ocurren en forma espontánea, sino que son el resultado de un consenso colectivo y de políticas públicas dirigidas a tal fin.


A continuación se presentan, en formato PDF, los capítulos que integran el World report on violence and health, a los cuales usted podrá acceder por separado, a través de los siguientes enlaces.

Introductory section


Chapter 1. Violence - a global public health problem


The visible and the invisible
A preventable problem

What can a public health approach contribute?

Defining violence


Typology of violence

Types of violence
The nature of violent acts

Measuring violence and its impact

Types of data
Sources of data
Problems with collecting data

An overview of current knowledge

Estimates of mortality
Estimates of non-fatal violence
The costs of violence

Examining the roots of violence: an ecological model

Multiple levels
Complex linkages

How can violence be prevented?

Types of prevention
Multifaceted responses
Documenting effective responses
Balancing public health action
Addressing cultural norms
Actions against violence at all levels

Problems for national decision-makers

Chapter 2. Youth violence


The extent of the problem

Youth homicide rates
Trends in youth homicides
Non-fatal violence
Risk behaviours for youth violence

The dynamics of youth violence

How does youth violence begin?
Situational factors

What are the risk factors for youth violence?

Individual factors
Relationship factors
Community factors
Societal factors

What can be done to prevent youth violence?

Individual approaches
Relationship approaches
Community-based efforts
Societal approaches


Establishing data collection systems
More scientific research
Developing prevention strategies
Disseminating knowledge


Chapter 3. Child abuse and neglect by parents and other caregivers

How are child abuse and neglect defined?

Cultural issues
Types of abuse

The extent of the problem

Fatal abuse
Non-fatal abuse

What are the risk factors for child abuse and neglect?

Factors increasing a child's vulnerability
Caregiver and family characteristics
Community factors
Societal factors

The consequences of child abuse

Health burden
Financial burden

What can be done to prevent child abuse and neglect?

Family support approaches
Health service approaches
Therapeutic approaches
Legal and related remedies
Community-based efforts
Societal approaches


Better assessment and monitoring
Better response systems
Policy development
Better data
More research
Documentation of effective responses
Improved training and education for professionals
















Chapter 4. Violence by intimate partners

The extent of the problem

Measuring partner violence
Partner violence and murder
Traditional notions of male honour

The dynamics of partner violence

How do women respond to abuse?

What are the risk factors for intimate partner violence?

Individual factors
Relationship factors
Community factors
Societal factors

The consequences of intimate partner violence

Impact on health
Economic impact of violence
Impact on children

What can be done to prevent intimate partner violence?

Support for victims
Legal remedies and judicial reforms
Treatment for abusers
Health service interventions
Community-based efforts

Principles of good practice

Action at all levels
Women's involvement
Changing institutional cultures
A multisectoral approach


Research on intimate partner violence
Strengthening informal sources of support
Making common cause with other social programmes
Investing in primary prevention


Chapter 5. Abuse of the elderly


How is elder abuse defined?

Traditional societies

The extent of the problem

Domestic settings
Institutional settings

What are the risk factors for elder abuse?

Individual factors
Relationship factors
Community and societal factors

The consequences of elder abuse

Domestic settings

What can be done to prevent elder abuse?

Responses at national level
Local responses


Greater knowledge
Stronger laws
More effective prevention strategies


Chapter 6. Sexual violence


How is sexual violence defined?

Forms and contexts of sexual violence

The extent of the problem

Sources of data
Estimates of sexual violence
Sexual violence in schools, health care settings, violent conflicts and refugee settings
"Customary" forms of sexual violence

What are the risk factors for sexual violence?

Factors increasing women's vulnerability
Factors increasing men's risk of committing rape
Peer and family factors
Community factors
Societal factors

The consequences of sexual violence

Pregnancy and gynaecological complications
Sexually transmitted diseases
Mental health
Suicidal behaviour
Social ostracization

What can be done to prevent sexual violence?

Individual approaches
Developmental approaches
Health care responses
Community-based efforts
Legal and policy responses
Actions to prevent other forms of sexual violence


More research
Determining effective responses
Greater attention to primary prevention
Addressing sexual abuse within the health sector


Chapter 7. Self-directed violence


How is suicide defined?

The extent of the problem

Fatal suicidal behaviour
Non-fatal suicidal behaviour and ideation

What are the risk factors for suicidal behaviouró

Psychiatric factors
Biological and medical markers
Life events as precipitating factors
Socioeconomic and environmental factors

What can be done to prevent suicides?

Treatment approaches
Behavioural approaches
Relationship approaches
Community-based efforts
Societal approaches
Intervention after a suicide
Policy responses


Better data
Further research
Better psychiatric treatment
Environmental changes
Strengthening community-based efforts


Chapter 8. Collective violence


How is collective violence defined?

Forms of collective violence

Data on collective violence

Sources of data
Problems with data collection

The extent of the problem

Casualties of collective conflicts
The nature of collective conflicts

What are the risk factors for collective violence?

Political and economic factors
Societal and communal factors
Demographic factors
Technological factors

The consequences of collective violence

Impact on health
Impact on specific populations
Demographic impact
Socioeconomic impact

What can be done to prevent collective violence?

Reducing the potential for violent conflicts
Responses to violent conflicts
Documentation, research and dissemination of information


Information and understanding
Preventing violent conflicts
Health sector responses
Humanitarian responses


Chapter 9. The way forward: recommendations for action


Responding to violence: what is known so far?

Major lessons to date
Why should the health sector be involved?
Assigning responsibilities and priorities


Statistical annex & Resources


Last update : September 27, 2002

NOTA: Toda la información que se brinda en este artículo es de carácter investigativo y con fines académicos y de actualización para estudiantes y profesionales de la salud. En ningún caso es de carácter general ni sustituye el asesoramiento de un médico. Ante cualquier duda que pueda tener sobre su estado de salud, consulte con su médico o especialista.

Instituto de Medicina Tropical - Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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