Octubre-Diciembre 2015 64
ISSN 1317-987X


Pathobiology of airway smooth muscle remodeling

Disclosure Statement

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

Authors’ contributions

C.A.F.A., M.J.A., I.L.B and R.F.R. participated in selection and reviewing of cited literature. C.A.F.A. aimed and wrote the preliminary version of this manuscript, designed tables, performed art-work of figures, and performed the in silico analysis for miRNA target and RNA hybridization prediction. F.A.P.U. did the staining technique for figure 1. C.A.F.A., R.F.R., and F.A.P.U. implemented cell culture techniques for figure 3. C.A.F.A, R.F.R, F.A.P.U, R.G.A, M.J.A, I.L.B read, drafted, discussed and approved the final version of this manuscript.


Research related to airway smooth muscle biology is supported by grants from the CDCH-UCV, (PG.09-8629.2013). C.A.F.A. and R.F.R. thank to sección de biomembranas for supporting the press release of this thesis. C.A.F.A thanks to Anthony J. Febres-Aldana for assisting in database manipulation and critical review.

Continua: References

Pathobiology of airway smooth muscle remodeling
ASMC plasticity: origins and phenotypes
Acetylcholine: more than bronchoconstriction
Modulation vs Maturation
ASM remodeling as a therapeutic target: experimental evidences
Disclosure Statement

NOTA: Toda la información que se brinda en este artículo es de carácter investigativo y con fines académicos y de actualización para estudiantes y profesionales de la salud. En ningún caso es de carácter general ni sustituye el asesoramiento de un médico. Ante cualquier duda que pueda tener sobre su estado de salud, consulte con su médico o especialista.

Instituto de Medicina Tropical - Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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