Enero-Marzo 2024 97
ISSN 1317-987X

Monografías docentes

Actualización en hepatitis C


1. Sabaki A. Hepatitis C virus entry: the early steps in the viral replicative cycle. Virol J 2009;4:117-125.

2. Organización Panamericana de la Salud OMS. Hepatitis vírica C. El Control de las Enfermedades Transmisibles. David L Heymann Editor. Décimoctava edición 2005. pág: 343-346. Washington.

3. Seeff L. Natural history of chronic hepatitis C. Hepatol 2002;36:S35-S46.

4. Levrero M. Viral hepatitis and liver cancer: the case of hepatitis C. Oncogene 2006;25:3834-3847.

5. Moradipour D, Penin F, Reel C. Replication of hepatitis C virus. Nat Rev Microbiol 2007;5:453-463.

6. Tang H, Grisé H. Cellular and molecular biology of HCV infection and hepatitis. Clin Sci (Lond) 2009;117:49-65.

7. Simmonds P. Bukh J. Combat C, et al. Consensus proposals for a unified system of nomenclature of hepatitis C. Virus genotypes. Hepatology 2005;42:962-973.

8. Delic D, Nesic Z, Prostran M, et al. Assessment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus RNA and Genotypes from 110 Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in the Serbia. International Journal fo Infectious Diseases.2006. Lisbon. Portugal.

9. Marques N, Serra J, Saraira de Cunha J, Melico-Silvestre A. HCV Genotype 4: epidemiological and Clinical Report of 54 Patients. 12th ICID Abstracts. 2006:59012. Pág. S 269. Lisbon. Portugal.

10. Baseras M, Fernandez M, Sota M, et al. Changes in the Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes in Northen Spain During a Six-Year Period. International Congress of Infectious Diseases. 2006. Abstracts. Lisbon. Portugal.

11. Icardi G, Sticchi C, Riccio C. Different Seroprevalence and Molecular Epidemiology Patterns of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Italy. 12th ICID. 2006. Abstracts: S275. Lisbon. Portugal.

12. Vigani A, Macedo de Oliveira A, Pavan M, et al. Comparative Study Between Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes 1 and 3 in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis. 12th ICID 2006. Abstracts: S 279. Lisbon. Portugal.

13. Liu Z, Robida J, Chinnaswamy S, et al. Mutations in the hepatitis C virus polymerase that increase RNA binding confer resistance to cyclosporine A. Hepatol. 2009;50:25-33.

14. Newmann A, Lana N, Dahori H, et al. Hepatitis C viral dynamics in vivo and the antiviral efficacy of interferon.alpha therapy. Science. 1998;282:103-107.

15. Morikawa K, Zhao Z, Date T, et al. The roles of CD 81 and glicosaminoglycans in the adsorption and uptake of infections HCV particles. J Med Virol. 2007;79:714-723.

16. Molina S, Castet V, Fournier-Wirth C, et al. The low density lipoprotein receptor plays a role in the infection of primary human hepatocytes by hepatitis C virus. J Hepatol. 2007;46:411-419.

17. Cormier E, Durso R, Tsamis F, et al. L SIGN (CD 209 L) and DC – SIGN (CD 209) mediate transinfection of liver cell hepatitis C virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA. 2004;101:14067-14072.

18. Akazawa D, Date T, Morikawa K, et al. CD 81 expression is important for the permissiveness of Huh 7 cell clones for heterogeneous hepatitis C virus infections. J Virol. 2007; 81:5036-5045.

19. Grove J, Huby T, Stamakky Z, et al. Scavenger receptors BI BII expression levels modulate hepatitis C virus infectivity. J Virol. 2007;81:3162-3169.

20. Moe C, Grove J, Harris H, et al. Effect of cell polarization on hepatitis C virus entry. J Virol. 2008;82:461-470.

21. Blanchard E, Becouzard S, Gonestain L, et al. Hepatitis C virus entry depends on clathrin-mediated endocytosis. J Virol. 2006;80:6964-6972.

22. Lavillette D, Bertoseh B, Noarrisson D, et al. Hepatitis C virus glycoproteins mediate low pH dependent membrane fusion with liposomes. J Biol Chem. 2006;281:3909-3017.

23. Bernfield M, Gotte M, Park P, et al. Functions of all surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Annu Rev Biochem. 1999;68:729-777.

24. Barth H, Schnober E, Zhang F, et al. Viral and cellular determinants of the hepatitis C virus envelope-heparan sulfate interaction. J Virol. 2006;80:10579-10590.

25. Lozach P, Lorat-Jacob H, de Lacroix A, et al. DC-SIGN and L-SIGN are high affinity binding receptors for hepatitis C virus glycoprotein E2. J Biol Chem, 2003;278:20358-20360.

26. Pileri P, Vematsu Y, Campagnoli S, et al. Binding of hepatitis C virus to CD8. Science. 1998;282:938-941.

27. Hemler M. Tetraspamin function and associated microdomains. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2005;6:801-811.

28. Cocgueril L, Kuo C, Dubusson J, Levy S. CD 81- dependent binding of hepatitis C virus E1 E2 heterodimers. J Virol. 2003;77:10677-10683.

29. Bertaux C, Dragic T. Different domains of CD 81 mediate distinct stages of hepatitis C virus pseudoparticle entry. J Virol. 2006;80:4940-4948.

30. Flint M, Maidens C, Loomis-Price L, et al. Characterizations of hepatitis C virus E glycoprotein interaction with a putative cellular receptor CD 81. J Virol. 1999;73:6235-6244.

31. Cornier E, Tsamis F, Kajumo F, et al. CD 81 is an entry coreceptor for hepatitis C virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2004;101:7270-7274.

32. Rigotti A, Acton S, Kriegar M. The class B scavenger receptors SR-B1 and CD 36 are receptors for anionil phospholipids. J Biol Chem. 1995;270:16221-16224.

33. Heo T, Lee S, Barteach B, et al. Hepatitis C virus E2 links soluble human CD 81 and SR –B 1 protein. Virus Res.. 2006;121:58-64.

34. Evans M, von Hann T, Tacherne D, et al. Claudin -1 is a hepatitis C virus co-receptor required for a later step in entry. Nature. 2007;446:801-805.

35. Ploss A, Evans M, Gaysinskaya V, et al. Human occludin is a hepatitis C virus entry factor required for infection of mouse cells. Nature. 2009;47:882-886.

36. Reynolds G, Harris H, Jennings A, et al. Hepatitis C virus receptor expression in normal and disease liver tissue. Hepatol. 2008;47:418-427.

37. Lehermann B. Hepatitis C virus versus innate and adaptive immune responses: a tale of co-evolution and coexistence. J Clin Invest. 2009; 119:1745-1754.

38. Rubin E, Farber J. El hígado y las vías biliares. La patología de las hepatitis aguda y crónica. En: Patología Rubin/Farber. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Buenos Aires.1998. Pág. 675-679.

39. Rubin E, Farber J. Cirrosis. En: Patología Rubin/Farber. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Buenos Aires.1998. Pág. 691-693.

40. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Hepatitis vírica C. En: El control de las enfermedades transmisibles. David L. Heymann Editor. Decimonovena edición, 2011. Pág: 397-400. Washington.

41. Seef L. Natural history of chronic hepatitis C. Hepatol 2006; 36:535-546.

42. Levrero M. Viral hepatitis and liver cancer: The case of hepatitis C. Oncogene 2006; 215:3834-3847.

43. Rubin E, Farber J. Neoplasias Malignas. Carcinoma hepatocelular. En: Patología Rubin/Farber. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Buenos Aires.1998. Págs. 719-721.

44. Isada C, Kasten B, Goldman M, et al. Hepatitis C Virus. In: Infectious Diseases. Layi-Comp. Chicago.1999. Pág. 103-105.

45. Kao H, Ran F, Guan W, et al. Evaluation of the permanence of the E1 Agen HCV test for detection of hepatitis C virus infection. J Viral Methods. 2009; (E pub ahead of print).

46. McGovern B, Birch B, Bowen M, et al. Improving the diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection with Expanded Viral Load Criteria. Clin Infect Dis. 2009; 49:1051-1060.

47. Reyes H, Navarro P, Hepatitis viral. En: Enfermedades Infecciosas Virales. Editorial Disinlimed.1998. Pag: 327-365.Caracas.

48. Resouli M, Ziagen M, Abbasian A, et al. HCV/HIV Co-Infection in Iranian patients. 12th ICID 2006. Abstracts. 5900. Pag. 3268. Lisbon. Portugal.

49. Marques N, Serra J, Saraira de Cunha J, Melico-Silvestre A. Epidemiological, Clinical and Histological Aspects in Mono-infected and Co-infected (HIV) Patients. 12th ICID 2006.Abstracts: 59011. Pag. S269. Lisbon. Portugal.

50. Crockett S, Keeffe E. Natural history and treatment of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus co-infection. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob 2005;4:13-18.

51. Lee W. Hepatitis virus infection. N Engl J Med. 1997;227:1733-1745.

52. Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. Recommendation for prevention and control of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and HCV-related chronic disease. MMWR 1998;47:1-39.

53. Dovi K, Singh N, Mara J, et al. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B vírus and Hepatitis C vírus among Hepatic Disorders and Injecting Drugs Users in Manipur. A Preliminary Report. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2004;22:136-137.

54. Pallas J, Farinas-Alvarez C, Prieto D, Delgado-Rodriguez M. Co-infections by HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in imprisoned injecting drug users. Eur Epidemiol.1999;15:699-704.

55. Reddy G, Dakshinamurthy K, Necladresad P, et al. Prevalence of HBV and HCV dual infection in patients on hemodialysis. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2005;23:41-43.

56. Aroldi A, Lampertico P, Montagnino G, et al. Natural history of hepatitis B and C in renal allograft recipients. Transplantation 2005; 79: 1132-1136

57. Kabinowska-Nowak A, Bociaga-Lasik M, Garlicki A, Skaware P. Prevalence of hepatotropic viruses HBV and HCV in HIV infected patients from Southern region of Poland. Acta Virol. 2000; 44: 23-28

58. Irshad M, Peter S. Spectrum of viral hepatitis in thalassemic children receiving multiple blood transfusions. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2002;21:183-184.

59. Saravanam S, Vijayakumar V, Nandakumar S, et al. Hepatitis B vírus and hepatitis C vírus dual infection, among patients with chronic liver disease. J Microbiol Immnunol Infect. 2009;4:122-128.

60. Liaw Y. Concurrent hepatitis B and C virus: is hepatitis C virus stronger? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2001;16:597-598.

61. Jardi R, Rodríguez F, Buti M, et al. Role hepatitis B, C and D viruses in dual and triple infection influence of viral genotypes and hepatitis B precore and viral core promoter mutations in viral replicative interference. Hepatol. 2001;34:404-410.

62. Crespo J, Lozano J, de la Cruz F, et al. Prevalence and significance of hepatitis C viremia in chronic active hepatitis B. Am J Gastroenterol. 2004;8:1147-1151.

63. Zarski J, Bohn B, Bastic A, et al. Characteristics of patients with dual infection by hepatitis B and C viruses. Hepatol. 1998;28:27-33.

64. Kim YK, Kim Y, Shimm S. Thoracic complications of liver cirrhosis; radiologic findings. Radiograph. 2009;29:825-837.

65. Tosti M, Mariano A, Blanco E, et al. Extra-hepatic Cancer Incidence Among Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infections. A cohort Study. Int J Infect Dis. 2006.Abstracts. 5901. Pág:3268. Lisbon. Portugal.

66. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. OPS. Tratamiento de las Enfermedades Virales. En: Tratamiento de las Enfermedades Infecciosas. 3ª Ed. 2008. Pág. 200-217. Washington.

67. Pisula A, Janczewska-Kazek E, Smalyk A, et al. Re- therapy with Pegylated interferon and Ribavirin in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis Previously Treated with Interferon Alfa and Ribavirin. 12th ICID. 2006. Abstracts. Vol 10. S 272. Lisbon. Portugal.

Actualización en hepatitis C
Anatomía Patológica
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Instituto de Medicina Tropical - Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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